
What do you hope to achieve through therapy?

My hope is that in choosing to come for therapy, you have realised that your life could be enriched by exploring and changing old ways of being, that no longer serve you. My intention is to co-create with you a way forward towards realising your goal through greater intimacy with yourself, others and life.

What issues can be addressed?

This is your journey and you will bring your own life experiences to it, which we will explore together and establish ways forward to establish healing and greater authenticity in how you live your life.  Whatever the impetus, it takes courage to attend therapy, and it takes dedication to see it through. Together, we will determine the goals of your therapy, and if the therapy should be short- or long-term. We're likely to explore more than just your reason for first attending therapy. 
I am skilled in working with a very wide range of issues, from: 
Grief and loss; to issues underlying depression and addictive behaviours (including chronic food disorders); to breaking the cycle of codependency and unhealthy relationships; to healing and moving on from past trauma, including childhood and sexual abuse; to healing from anxiety; to expressing and clearing old anger and rage; to improving self esteem; to breaking old patterns of shame based ways of relating; to establishing a healthy, loving parent within, if one is needed ...... 

I have a particular passion for supporting men better express themselves and enhance their healthy masculinity.