How I Work


I am humanistic in my way of working, integrating as needed from approaches I am trained and experienced in, such as gestalt, client centred, transpersonal and more recently Embodied Relational Therapy.

I am passionate about working outdoors in nature, which I feel creates a safe yet alive holding space, facilitating much deeper healing and transformation.

Our work together may well include working with our body, to optimise accessing and releasing body held memories and trauma.


I am an experienced, integrative therapist, group and workshop facilitator. I have worked in a wide variety of therapeutic centres since 1991.

Over the last few years I have focussed more on bringing up my family. I am now moving back towards working full time as a therapist again.

I continue to hone my creative and responsive approach through ongoing training, client experience and regular supervision.


I have substantial therapeutic training. It started with an introduction to counselling in 1993; to experiential training at the Discovery Foundation (1995). Followed by three years training for a Diploma in Integrative Therapeutic Counselling in 1996/99, during which I started working as a full time counsellor at various treatment centres.

More recently I've been training for a Diploma in Embodied-Relational Therapy (2019/20).

You can find more information on Embodied-Relational Training here: