I will be scheduling a series of complementary experiential workshops for men in 2020 to support healing
from old toxic shame and establish healthy positive masculinity, enhancing relationship with Self and Others.

Mens Workshops

In 2020 I will introduce a series of workshops tailored for men.

These will start with the first one, "Healing our Wounded Boys", followed by workshops such as "Healing the Shame that Binds" , "Celebrating our Healthy Masculinity" to "Living with The Andropause (Male Menopause).

I will post a full schedule once I am able to safely facilitate group workshops.

I imagine I will be able to post further information by the end of June.
Meanwhile if you want to be kept informed of the forthcoming workshops, please send me a message through the contact page.

Workshop 1
Healing Our Wounded Boys.

Behind every wounded man, 
you'll find a wounded boy. 

Or, as Thich Nhat Hahn put it:

"The cry we hear from deep in our

hearts comes from the wounded
child within.
Healing this inner child's pain is the
key to transforming anger, sadness and fear"

This very rare and unusual three part workshop, supports men to undertake this sensitive, painful, yet healing and rewarding inner child journey,  powerfully witnessed and held by
other men.

In the first part of the process, I will meet with each man for a 1 hour 1:1 session. We will explore your experiences of boyhood and the child within and prepare for the reparenting workshop.

We will then meet as a group, in a sensitively held day workshop, introducing and reclaiming our wounded or lost boy.  The day will include meditations, groupwork, drawing, play and cooking and eating together. It will end by establishing commitments to our boy within.

We will then meet a month later as a group again for 2.5 hours to reflect on how our re-parenting of our inner boy is going and enhancing our lives.

Group size limited to 6 men

Venue Bryndeifio above Poppit Sands, Cardigan

1:1 sessions can be booked in July 2020. The main workshop will be held end of July or early August.
Cost £55 per man.

To reserve a place send me a message through the contact page. Early booking is recommended.

For Men

I have a particular interest and passion for supporting men make change in how they live their lives.

After 30 years of journeying, therapy, mens groups and living as an evolving man, I am excited to be offering myself as a guide, working with groups of men and individually in 1:1 sessions.

If you are interested in exploring your needs further please do contact me.